Patient Alliance
It's Time to Face the Facts

Failure to Act Is an Act of Failure
Read and sign our statement on Antimicrobial resistance by following the link bellow
Visit our repository of materials on Antimicrobial resistance by following the link bellow

Mariano Votta
Vice-chair a.i.
Responsible for EU Affairs at Cittadinanzattiva
Director at Active Citizenship Network (ACN)
Thomas N. Heymann
President and CEO of Sepsis Alliance
Advisory board member of the Canadian Sepsis Foundation
Daniel Gallego
President of European Kidney Patients Federation
President of the National Federation of Associations for the Fight Against Kidney Diseases (ALCER)
What is our mission?
Our mission is to advocate for the needs and rights of patients in the fight against AMR, to increase awareness about the issue of AMR and to promote policies that ensure access to appropriate antimicrobial treatments for patients.
How do we work?
We collaborate with other stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, policymakers, and concerned industries, to promote a collaborative and coordinated approach towards AMR known as One Health.
What have we done so far?
We have created a patient-centred consensus on AMR that outlines key principles and recommendations for addressing the issue from a patient perspective. Our consensus emphasises the need for increased patient education, improved disease prevention and control measures, appropriate use of antimicrobial treatments, and increased funding and research for the development of new treatments.